Thursday, June 3, 2010

8 Weeks - New Sights and Sounds

We officially have smiles and coos!

It would be hard to recap the last month. Hard because it's all happened in a sleep deprived blur. No, it's really not that bad. I had no idea my body would function so well on such little sleep though. I've spent the last month feeding, rocking, feeding, swaddling, feeding, holding, feeding and loving our baby girl. Needless to say she has done quite a bit of growing with all the eating going on. We have an appointment next week and I can't wait to see what she is weighing these days.

We also started to come to realization that our baby had colic. The horrible episodes of crying (Jordan) caused lots of tears (mine). I realized why my parents still talk about me having colic as a baby. Twenty-nine years later and they still sigh when they hear the dreadful word. Well I owe my gratitude and sanity to Dr. Karp and his book (The Happiest Baby on the Block). Thanks to him we are experts at the 5 S's and they work like a charm. We spent about two weeks questioning what the magic trick was to helping her and now I know it's 5 tricks. I need to send that man a seriously large batch of brownies.

Speaking of brownies...

Out of desperation I also cut dairy and soy out of my diet. I daydream about big glasses of milk and macaroni and cheese. Of course, I did that before I took it out of my diet. What I wouldn't do for a big slice of chocolate cake right now. I'm not even sure if it was necessary but when your baby is crying for no apparent reason you will try whatever you can to help. For now cupcakes and ice cream will stay in my dreams and off my lips (and off my hips).

I think Jordan has grown up overnight. I became sort of obsessed with trying to make her smile at me and I started to realize that I was just not that interesting! Well thankfully Jordan decided today that we should have a little "conversation". She told me she was happy through smiles, coos and that delightful sound they make when they suck air into their lungs that almost mimics a laugh. It was some of the most fun I've had with her yet. I even got one of those smiles on camera. Picture time.

So what do I do with this thing?

My Daddy makes a good bed

Like a baby Houdini breaking out of a swaddle

Four generations

What do you know! Mommy is a funny lady!

A sample photo from our professional photo shoot. The photographer was at our house for over three hours and got Jordan to sleep so soundly. It was the most fun!


Elizabeth said...

Aww she is growing up so fast already. Love the new photos! I want to kiss her cheeks!

Melissa said...

Oh yeah, Connor was a baby houdini too, until John's cousin gave us a sleep sack. It is almost like a baby straight jacket, but it really helped him (and us too) sleep so much better!
P.S. I think she gets cuter every time I "see" her!!