Monday, July 19, 2010

The Great Cloth Experiment

I can thank my internet mommy friends for Jordan being in fluff. There were things I knew I wanted to do when I had a baby, but cloth diapering was not one of them. I'm happy to say that we've been mostly successful! Of course this girl has no problem trying to test the limits of a diaper. Disposables have failed that test numerous times and our cloth has definitely had a better success rate overall. In fact, most of the leaks we've had were due to mommy error.

Why I like cloth:

Let's face it, cloth is just cuter. Sure, Elmo and Cookie Monster are fun on TV but they can only do so much for a disposable diaper.

I'm only a little "crunchy" so I will reluctantly admit here that saving Mother Earth was not my main motivator to do cloth. I do like the fact that I'm not putting chemicals next to my daughters skin all the time though. I can't help but feel like disposables are dirty now. I still use them at night but I cringe a little each time I grab for one.

It gives me an excuse to shop. Shopping for fluff is definitely more fun than running to Walmart at 11:00pm because you forgot to stock up on diapers.

I've learned the stain fighting (and bacteria fighting) power of the sun. It's truly amazing!

I am saving money in the long run. Who doesn't want to save a buck or two?

In the beginning it was all a little overwhelming. I had to ask a lot of questions and do a lot of reading before I really understood all the types of cloth diapers and the terminology that goes with it. It's like learning a new language consisting mostly of abbreviations. The first time I ventured onto DiaperSwappers I laughed at the ridiculousness of the posts. "BG OS 3.0, EUC, EBF, $15ppd". Um, yeah... (In case you are curious, it means "bumGenius one size in excellent used condition, exclusively breast fed baby, $15 including delivery".) These days I am feeling a lot more confident with my cloth knowledge but there is always something new to learn.

In keeping with tradition of my blog, I of course have to include some pictures.

Small FuzziBunz, I love the light blue

Lilac FuzziBunz

A good mama, it has tiny unicorns and rainbows on it :)

Another good mama

I don't have any pictures of her bumGenius but I think the FuzziBunz and Good Mamas win the cuteness contest anyway.


Elizabeth said...

Super cute! You have convinced me. When I have kids you will have to share your knowledge.

Katelyn said...

This reminds me.. I have fluff pics of Em that I need to post too. Gotta love the cute cloth! Glad its working out for ya. Who would have ever thought either of us would be doing this? haha.

Karen said...

we're starting the same experiment at our house! So far Kushies have failed the poop test and are super bulky. I have higher hopes for the HH but the jury is still out on that one - still waiting on a Fuzzi and an itti bitti d'lish... I'll keep you posted on how it goes over here! And you're right... they are so super cute!

Anonymous said...

Great fluff pictures! Jordan is just adorable!