Sunday, March 22, 2009

Floor, Chords and Planting in a Row

There is not much to report on the ttc front. I have an appointment tomorrow with my RE for a sonogram. It's been a year since he removed my fallopian tube and it is time to find out why I'm still having pain. It's probably nothing, but I will feel better hearing that from my doctor.

In other news, we are getting closer to new flooring. I'm dreading the actual work being done but I will be thrilled when it is all finished. Daisy threw up on the carpet the other day (our fault for not being home in time to feed her by her strict eating time). I explained to her that this will be unacceptable after the new carpet is put in. Is it possible to train a dog to throw up on tile floors only? Better yet, a trash can? If we are home she will run to the back door, so she must realize that throwing up indoors is less than preferable. Enough about that. I will be sure to post before and after pics of the flooring when the time comes.

I have always loved the sound of acoustic music. I thought it would be great if I could learn to play guitar (and even better if I could sing, but what can ya do?). So I decided that maybe I should just try and learn. Latey I have felt so much like my life is on hold. Trying to conceive for two years will do that to you I guess. So I thought maybe if I had a project that would show actual results I would feel like I'm still moving forward. Today Jason and I picked up a beginner Fender guitar. I learned how to tune it and have even practiced a few chords. On a related note, the fingers on my left hand are a little sore as I type. :)

Last but not least, the yard is getting a bit of sprucing up now that Spring has arrived. Yesterday was all about weeding out... well, the weeds. I hope to do some planting this week in our front yard. I hope to eventually get a little garden going in the back yard, but I will focus on the front first. I'm sure our neighbors will appreciate that.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

AWESOME! You are learning to play the guitar. I want to learn. I once tried learning at Katy Eppes house and I got the beginning of Eric Clapton's Sunshine of your love down, but it gave me finger cramps. Im excited about your new floor will have to send pictures soon. And Im excited about your garden. I had an herb garden at my beach bungalow in LA. I had parsley, rosemary, and cilantro. You should grow mint, it smells wonderful. And then you can make mojitos this summer!