I'm starting out with a verse today instead of a quote at the end.
Php 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your heats and minds in Christ Jesus.This verse is going to get me through this first trimester. Well, as long as I commit to living it as best as I can. Some moments I feel like I'm succeeding and others I feel like I'm failing miserably. I guess the most important part is that each time I fall, I say a prayer while I'm on my knees, and get back up.
My first beta was taken at 14dpo and it was 227. My second beta was taken at 20dpo and it was 4,900! The hcg hormone should double every two to three days. Mine did that and then some! I went in for a sonogram yesterday and saw the gestational sac. My RE's nurse (the lovely Theresa who has been so great to me) said everything is looking great. Deep breathe in, and let it out... I've been taking lots of deep breaths lately.
I will also take the advice of a friend and stop googling things. I should have heeded this advice sooner b/c the internet can be an evil place for a worrier. It's a breeding ground for bad information, scary scenarios, and things that I don't even need to be putting in my head. So from now on, I'm staying away from any search engines. Putting it here will make it feel more like a contract that I'm obligated to abide by. So consider this an official contract.
In other news, our little babe has a nickname. I'd been thinking about it and it suddenly came to me. He or she is our little Guppy! One of the main reasons being that Jason used to have me in stitches with a "guppy face" he would make. After my sonogram I called Jason to let him know that we have one guppy in the tank.
Next sonogram is scheduled for next Thursday. Are we there yet?