Saturday, January 9, 2010

Beauty in 3D

I had my appointment with the Perinatologist on Tuesday. My mom went with me and I spent almost two hours in the exam room. I prayed for a "good news day" and it was! My cervix is still long and closed which was a huge relief. They performed an FFN test and it was negative so more good news there. They did a detailed sonogram and looked at our little girl from head to toe and everything looks great! I had no idea we would get to see her in 3D so when it popped up on the huge flatscreen tv in front of us my mom gasped. I lost track of whatever the doctor was saying because for the first time I was seeing my daughters beautiful face! I've stared at it many times since and I am just amazed. Even the doctor made a comment on how cute she is. I love her so much and having a picture of her has made it even more real than before. Of course all the movement I'm feeling makes it hard to forget that I've got a happy little girl in there. Between her jazzercizing, her tap dancing and her karate chops, I am constantly being reminded that we are blessed beyond words.

Since I'm continuing to have contractions I am relieved to be under special care now. I have another appointment the Tuesday after next to recheck my cervix and will have another FFN test done. My doctor has arranged for me to have a Terbutaline pump and be monitored at home but I've decided to wait until my next appointment to see if that is necessary. I would love to avoid taking medication and only take my Terbutaline pills when I feel it's absolutely necessary. Of course my main objective is to have a healthy girl so I do not take any of these decisions lightly, which can sometimes be to the detriment of my sanity. I continue to pray for guidance in these decisions.

So I am here, on my couch, where I spend a lot of time these days. It may sound like an easy thing to do but it's actually a lot harder than I thought. Unfortunately I missed my cousins wedding in Lubbock last weekend. Thanks to my brother in law though, Jason and I were able to watch it via the internet. I hated to miss out but I knew it was best to stay home. She's worth it so I will continue to keep myself planted and make an irreversible impression of my tush in this couch cushion.

January 5, 2010 - 23 weeks
Meet our precious daughter! Look at that nose... and those lips! Looking forward to kissing that face in May.


Elizabeth said...

What a precious baby! So happy that you love your new doctor and that they are taking good care of you two!

Leigh Anne said...

oh kayla...she's beautiful! and she looks kinda like you :) i'm beyond words happy for you! take good care of yourself....get some good mags and some dvds....and have hubby pick up some takeaway :)

do you have a name picked out?

The DeLoe Family said...

I'm so glad to hear that the baby is okay. Just take it easy, like you have. Before you know it you'll be running around like a chicken with its head cut off after that little girl of yours! :)

My family and I will be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

So beautiful!!! I can completely relate to how hard it is to just relax but it is so important to keep the baby baking as long as possible! Just remember, I am doing the same thing...just in a different part of the country! Got to do what we can for our girls!!! :)