Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Poking a Preggie

Yesterday I celebrated the fact that we are now 25 weeks! I felt like 20 weeks was a milestone and 25 weeks feels like another one. Now I've got my eye on the third trimester which begins at 28 weeks (that's the general consensus anyway). Yesterday was also Jason's first go at giving me my 17P shot. Talk about a test of trust. Picture us in the bathroom trying to determine where my "crack line" is (the top of the crack). Then mapping out where that meets with the midway point between my crack and the side of my hip. Once the spot was agreed upon I leaned over the counter and he even remembered to tell me to relax my leg. Now the mirror in front of me is reflecting my husband with a large needle aimed at my hind quarters. He reared his hand back (flashback of Happy Gilmore taking a running start at his golf swing) and let me know it was on it's way... That was it? Give this man a gold star and a cookie.

So why is it that the camera makes us all look fatter than we really are but this needle looks smaller? It's bigger in person, take my word for it.

I had another appointment with the Perinatologist today. My cervix is still looking great so my prayers have once again been answered. I'm still waiting for the results of the FFN test but I feel confident that it will also be good news. I'm still contracting but for now they are pretty benign. I think my uterus is irritable because it knows it's different. The technical term is bicornuate but I prefer "heart shaped". It almost makes it sound like a good thing.

I am happy to say that the fun part of pregnancy is creeping up on us. The part where you get to register (which I did from home, the internet is a wonderful thing for me right now), start putting together a nursery, name your baby, buy baby things. I've ordered her bedding and a travel system. Hallelujah for free shipping. I've found the crib and bassinet we will be ordering and will probably do that in the next couple of weeks. I'd say "we" found these things but I've enjoyed researching and Jason has been more than happy to let me make those decisions. Glad we're on the same page honey.

January 19, 2010

The bare baby belly.

I also want to note that she officially has a name! It's been our longtime favorite but Jason wanted me to keep looking just in case. I went through every girl name in both our baby name books and anytime I would ask him about one it was met with lukewarm enthusiasm at best. So now we can actually call our Guppy by name (although I still lovingly refer to her as Guppy much of the time). Her name is...

♥ Jordan Mae ♥

"A baby is sunshine, is moonbeams and more...
brightening your world like never before."


Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness you look adorable! I love the name. Seeing that name was like seeing your belly for the first time, makes it more real. You're gonna have a baby! A little girl name Jordan! So happy for you guys! Can't wait to hold little miss Jordan.


Anonymous said...

I love the name!!!! You look so great with your belly! And good job to both of you for enduring the needle with such both deserve a cookie!

Kayla said...
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Karen said...

great name and your belly is adorable!!

*Marie* said...

Love the name. I agree about the camera- it never shows the actual size, and embellishes the wrong way. Your belly is so cute. I actually pulled up your pic to show my mom, because I think it's so cute. Congrats on 25 weeks =)

Kayla said...

Aw, thanks everyone!

And Marie, I think it's so funny you showed it to your mom. :)