Tuesday, March 30, 2010

35 Is the Magic Number

I am 35 weeks today AND I have 35 days left until my due date!

My newest adventure is researching cloth diapering. "Naive first time mom syndrome"? Perhaps, but plenty of moms do it (and claim to love it) so I know it can be done. I am now becoming proficient in a whole new world of acronyms. First it was the trying to conceive acronyms (ttc, dpo, wto...) , then it became pregnancy acronyms (ftm, c/s, bf...), and now it's cloth diapering (os, BG, FB...). Cloth diapering has come a long way since the plain white cloths with pins. I won't bore you with all the details but let's just say that there are so many options that you will wonder if your college degree really means much about your level of intelligence. Thank goodness for all the helpful mamas on the internet. The initial investment is a little intimidating but the operative word there is "investment". We will start out with "sposies" and hopefully switch over to cloth after the first month or so (either part time or full time, we will see). I first mentioned the idea of cloth diapering to Jason back in the fall and there was a definite look of disgust on his face. I think he's slowly coming around to the idea and what man doesn't want to hear "It will save us money"? Especially if you know my Jason.

I am happy to say I am done with my 17P injections! I was supposed to get one this week but my prescription was out and my Peri said it would be fine to skip this last one. My rear end is thankful since the last few shots seem to have angered it. For some reason I started getting bruises, knots and itching at the injection site (which is so attractive, let me tell you).

I have an appointment on Friday with my OB and from here on out I will be seeing him on a weekly basis. I can't believe we are already to that point, it's really exciting! It still looks like a cesarean section is in our future but a healthy Guppy is all I'm worried about.

One last thing. My positive note for the week.
I think her room is the happiest room in our house. I've dreamed about that room becoming a nursery for years, even stepping in there a time or two to dream about what it could look like. Now I get to walk in there and enjoy what we have prepared for her. Hopefully there will be picture post before the weeks is over.

March 30, 2010

If you watch the front and right part of my belly then you can see her hiccuping! Excuse my frantic breathing, I was trying to take shallow breaths. Also excuse Friends being on in the background.


Elizabeth said...

Hey there! You might already know this, but it says your video is private and that I have to accept a request or something from you. But your belly photo is cute. The baby is a growin'

Good luck with cloth diaper research. It looks kind of exciting because they have lots of colors and stuff. You know I'd go crazy with that.

Happy 35 weeks! Yay!

Kayla said...

Ok, hopefully you can see the video now.

Brenda B said...

The hiccup video is beyond cute!!

Elizabeth said...

That is so cool and very cute. But I feel kind of bad for her getting the hiccups all the time. I don't like when I get them!

Karen said...

i love watching my belly hiccups as well! so cute!!